The City of Ostrander has identified the need to complete a large infrastructure rehabilitation project. The majority of the City’s sewer and water infrastructure was constructed between the late 1940’s and early 1960’s, has outlived its useful life and is in need of replacement. The proposed project will include the replacement of all of the sanitary sewer and water mains, replacement of the main sewer pumping station, abandoning and sealing Well No. 1, rehabilitation of Well No. 2, drilling a new Well No. 3, constructing a new well house, and replacing the existing water tower with a new one.
In addition to the City’s infrastructure needs, Fillmore County has identified the need to reconstruct CSAH 1 (Main Street) and CSAH 3 (Center Street) within Ostrander.
Between 2013 and 2016, the City worked with USDA Rural Development, the MN Public Facilities Authority, and Fillmore County to secure funding for the improvements. In late 2016, funding was secured for Phase 1 of the project, and in 2018 funding was secured for Phase 2 of the project.
Phase 1 of the project was completed in 2018-2019 and included:
Phase 2 of the project will begin construction in August 2020 and be completed by November 2021. Phase 2 of the project will include: