Robins Road Study
Home / Robins Road Study, City of Hiawatha, Iowa
City of Hiawatha, Iowa
A series of steering committee meetings and public preferencing were used to create a plan that includes beautification and streetscaping, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, land use, and redevelopment concepts.
Redefining the Robins Road corridor has been a goal for the City of Hiawatha, its community partners, and constituents for some time. The city desired a vision for this corridor that would boost the city’s image, raise resident awareness, and intrigue developers.
Bolton & Menk has developed a roadway and future land use plan that will leverage both public and private investment and explore additional opportunities for growth and development for the corridor. We used a series of steering committee meetings and public preferencing to create a plan that includes beautification and streetscaping, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, land use, and redevelopment concepts. The implementation strategy identified projects as high-, medium-, and low-priority and created an estimate of construction costs.
Bolton & Menk has also worked on implementation. The city contracted with us to develop a zoning overlay district for the corridor to ensure quality private development that will be compatible with the public investment of the roadway and infrastructure. The overlay text and standards have been adopted and the zoning map has been amended to apply the new overlay.