Platt Street Corridor, City of Maquoketa, Iowa

Platt Street Corridor

Icon of City of Maquoketa, Iowa

City of Maquoketa, Iowa


Streetscape enhancements include gateway and downtown monuments, plantings, decorative lighting, and aesthetic reuse of historic brick pavers.


The City of Maquoketa was faced with a degrading Platt Street corridor. Recognizing the need for improvements, the city wanted to assess the corridor's identity, explore new economic investment opportunities, and create a beautiful and sustainable project.

Bolton & Menk completed a traffic analysis to assess opportunities for corridor improvements and improve transportation system safety for all. The analysis included roadway configuration, intersection improvements, and pedestrian crossing points. It also included operational analysis of traffic control options with coordinated traffic signals and traffic signal timings. The project involved the complete reconstruction of city utilities. Streetscape enhancements included gateway and downtown monuments, plantings, decorative lighting, and aesthetic reuse of historic brick pavers. The corridor now serves multimodal users and includes public amenities.

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