Pattee Park Soccer Complex Expansion
City of Perry, Iowa
A master plan was prepared for conversion of acquired land adjacent to the park for use as a soccer and recreational complex.
An expansion to Pattee Park was needed to serve the growing community by developing soccer fields not currently included in the city's recreational facilities. It was also necessary to meet a growing demand by younger residents who had to travel to other communities to fulfill their soccer needs.
Bolton & Menk worked with the city to prepare a master plan for conversion of acquired land adjacent to the park for use as a soccer and recreational complex. An Iowa DNR REAP grant was awarded to kick-start phase I, which includes a stormwater pond stocked with fish and a native vegetated swale serving to direct overflow stormwater to the city's storm sewer system. Additional elements include one-third of the final parking lot and one of four soccer fields. Phase I is the result of successful relationships between state agencies, the city, and local industry.
Additional funding is being secured to construct the remaining soccer fields, parking lot expansion, and trail system around the site with future connections to the North Raccoon River Trail and regionally significant Raccoon Valley Trail.