Mississippi Skyway Final Design
City of Ramsey, Minnesota
The Mississippi Skyway is an effective nexus between housing, transportation, employment, and recreation, promoting non-motorized transportation in an area that provides jobs and services.
Highway 10/169 in the City of Ramsey is a four-lane divided principal arterial and a significant non-motorized barrier, carrying up to 47,500 vehicles per day. A continuous pedestrian system doesn't exist along the highway, resulting in pedestrians walking and biking along the roadway shoulders and crossing the highway at unmarked intersections. Five crashes have occurred in the past ten years involving a pedestrian or bicyclist; two of these resulted in pedestrian fatalities.
Bolton & Menk worked with the city, implementing accessible designs that not only increased pedestrian safety, but reduced congestion along the Highway 10/169 corridor. We proposed a multi-use trail bridge that eliminated the physical non-motorized barrier while integrating and extending existing and planned regional infrastructure. It is an effective nexus between housing, transportation, employment, and recreation that promotes non-motorized transportation in an area that provides jobs and services. The bridge connection, designed between two east-west continuous regional trails, eliminates the need for pedestrians and bicyclists to use the highway shoulders or cross the four-lane divided highway.