Old West Main Street and Upper Harbor Renewal, City of Red Wing, Minnesota

Old West Main Street and Upper Harbor Renewal

Icon of City of Red Wing, Minnesota

City of Red Wing, Minnesota


The city now has a revitalized Old West Main Street as well as a pedestrian and bicycle connection to Upper Harbor and the scenic Mississippi River.

The City of Red Wing wanted to shape the future of their Old West Main Street and Upper Harbor area. It was important to the city that the preferred alternative was supported by the corridor businesses and community.
Bolton & Menk led an extensive public engagement effort using high quality visuals and various formats for input. Throughout the design process, an advisory committee made up of businesses and property owners along the Old West Main corridor met regularly to voice their needs and concerns and take part in finalizing the vision for reconstruction. The preferred alternative was presented to the advisory committee and the public via a 3D video animation of the future Old West Main corridor.
As part of the project, the city also wanted to evaluate railroad crossing options for a bike and pedestrian trail that would connect the historic downtown district to the scenic Mississippi River. Bolton & Menk worked with the city to evaluate crossing options. A closed steel through truss bridge to clear span the railroad right-of-way was selected. The bridge was placed between two businesses and integrated the abutment tie down into a plaza area that created a rest and outdoor dining space for trail users and patrons of the adjacent restaurant.

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