Pack Square Park, Pack Square Conservancy

Pack Square Park


Pack Square Conservancy


The final plan involved the restoration of historic Pack Square, re-establishment of the historic street grid, and the creation of a new park spanning two city blocks.

Bolton & Menk was part of the design team chosen to revitalize historic Pack Square and return it to the vibrant, pedestrian-friendly gathering space it once was. The final plan involved the restoration of historic Pack Square, re-establishing the historic street grid, and creating a new park spanning two city blocks. The park was designed to attract the everyday user and locals to a comfortable setting. It fulfills Asheville’s heritage as a festival city with various performance venues to celebrate the many public gatherings. The lowest terrace portion of the park consists of a great lawn, an amphitheater, and a central green to complement the two architecturally significant buildings—the mid-block park transitions between the historic area and the green. As a transitional zone, it includes a terrace, a terraced water feature, and a pavilion that not only acts as a hub for activity but is also designed to collect stormwater, which is used for irrigation in the park.

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