West Jefferson Lake Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Le Sueur County, Minnesota

West Jefferson Lake Sanitary Sewer Collection System

Icon of Le Sueur County, Minnesota

Le Sueur County, Minnesota


With funding from the PFA, this project will be affordable for many property owners that had limited options to bring their septic systems into compliance.

Non-compliant septic systems were polluting West Jefferson Lake. Property owners had few options for compliance, with little-to-no property to build new, compliant systems.

Bolton & Menk worked with West Jefferson property owners to form a sewer district and petition the City of Cleveland for connection and treatment using the city’s wastewater treatment ponds. The project was submitted to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) for Clean Water and Point Source Implementation grant and low interest loan funding.

One hundred and forty connections are proposed to be serviced with new individual grinder pump stations around West Lake Jefferson. The sewage will be pumped approximately 5 miles directly to Cleveland’s wastewater treatment ponds. With the PFA funding package this project will be affordable for many property owners that had limited options to bring their septic systems into compliance.

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