Downtown Riverfront Improvements, City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Downtown Riverfront Improvements

The City of Fergus Falls adopted a Downtown and Riverfront Master Plan early in 2018. The goal of the plan was to identify economic, recreation, and community gathering space opportunities throughout the Ottertail River corridor and through the City of Fergus Falls.

After finalizing the master plan, Bolton & Menk prepared design development documents to advance early implementation activities through a two-block corridor along the river adjacent to the city’s downtown. Proposed improvements included a river market structure, regional bike trail, pedestrian improvements, and public gathering spaces such as interactive water/art features and an amphitheater.

Master planning and design development relied heavily on public input. Bolton & Menk hosted pop-up displays at several community events. Both online and paper surveys, social media, and direct mailings were used to distribute information and garner feedback. Additionally, Bolton & Menk developed a walk-through animation video to bring the riverfront redevelopment vision to life as part of an event where the city unveiled the plan at an all-class reunion. With community support and a completed master plan and design development document, the city has moved forward with pursuing and securing project funding. Final design and construction of phase one improvements began in 2019.

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