Infrastructure Improvements, City of Ostrander, Minnesota

Infrastructure Improvements

Icon of City of Ostrander, Minnesota

City of Ostrander, Minnesota


Bolton & Menk helped the city secure $5.9 million in state and federal agency funds to reconstruct its county roads.


The City of Ostrander’s water supply, distribution, and storage system was originally constructed in the 1940s, had outlived its useful life, and was beginning to fail. The city’s sanitary sewer collection system and main lift station, originally constructed in the 1960s, were also deteriorating and failing. Fillmore County was planning to reconstruct County Roads 1 and 3, which serve as the main roads through Ostrander. The city needed help to determine the scope of needed infrastructure improvements and identify funding opportunities.

Bolton & Menk prepared a Preliminary Engineering Report and developed funding applications through USDA Rural Development, MN Public Facilities Authority, Small Cities Development Program, and MnDOT Local Road Improvement Program. The report identified the need to completely replace the city’s entire water distribution system, wastewater collection system, main lift station, and water tower, and identified the need to construct a new well and well house. The total cost for the needed improvements was $9.7 million.

The city received $5.9 million in grants from state and federal agencies. Along with a $2 million commitment from Fillmore County for the county road reconstruction, the city’s obligation was limited to $1.8 million in the form of a 40-year loan from USDA Rural Development.

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