Public Works Expansion, City of Woodbury, Minnesota

Public Works Expansion

Icon of City of Woodbury, Minnesota

City of Woodbury, Minnesota


Tire Derived Aggregate (TDA) was used to collect, manage, and infiltrate stormwater into the ground, beneath parking lot areas around the site.

In 2018, the City of Woodbury began work on a project to expand the city’s parks department building, redevelop adjacent property, and construct a new public works maintenance facility, and cold storage building.

Based on the project area, local and state stormwater management regulations required treatment of runoff generated across all redeveloped and newly constructed impervious surfaces. Due to site constraints, surface treatment was limited, so subsurface features were used to collect, manage, and treat site-generated runoff.

Tire Derived Aggregate (TDA) was used to collect, manage, and infiltrate stormwater into the ground, beneath parking lot areas around the site. This allowed the city to use a recycled material that would otherwise be stockpiled above ground and sit for years. Various green BMPs were integrated around the site, including a green roof over a conference room, porous paver parking stalls, a rain garden within curb islands, a regional stormwater treatment basin, a pair of cisterns to capture roof drainage for water reuse, and two reinforced turf products alongside heavily traveled paths to reduce impervious surface.

The city’s constant desire to continue to increase their sustainability, innovation, and conservation techniques demonstrates its level of commitment and passion for environmental stewardship.

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