Principal Arterial Intersection Conversion Study
Metropolitan Council and MnDOT Metro
Use of GIS services provided an efficient method to evaluate over 350 intersections to a level of detail not feasible using traditional evaluation methods.
The Metropolitan Council and MnDOT Metro were faced with limited funds to complete necessary maintenance, safety, and expansion projects within the 7-county metropolitan area.
Bolton & Menk delivered efficient data analysis, which enabled effective prioritization of intersection needs. A customized web GIS tool automates analysis of spatial intersection data, including mobility and safety data. Use of GIS services provided an efficient method to evaluate more than 350 intersections to a level of detail not feasible using traditional evaluation methods. In addition to the time savings automation provided, a fully documented process can now be easily repeated in future studies.
We also considered emerging project development and design approaches to deliver lower-cost, high-benefit intersection projects as compared to fully grade separated intersections.
The results articulate priorities for new grade separations and will help guide intersections toward strategic investments and right-sized solutions. A steering committee confirmed the need to ensure major intersection investments are based on sound analysis, local/regional collaboration, and strategic priorities to target needs and maximize the value of investments. The study was incorporated into the Metropolitan Council’s Transportation Policy Plan update and other metro plans.