Exhibit A Airport Property Inventory Map
The FAA continues to emphasize documenting existing airport property boundaries and easements acquired with Federal funding for aeronautical use. Some airport land acquisition projects date back to the early 1940s, when detailed records of land acquisition projects were not maintained like they are today. Over time, property lines at an airport may have shifted or sold for other types of development.
The grant agreements signed between the airport sponsor and FAA require the airport sponsor to prepare and maintain a current airport property map called an Exhibit A Airport Property Inventory Map (Exhibit A map). An Exhibit A map is not an Airport Layout Plan and should be limited to airport property information.
The type of information provided on Exhibit A maps has varied over time. Therefore, the FAA prepared a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the development of this documentation. The standards were developed using FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17, Land Acquisition and Relocation Assistance for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Assisted Projects. Standard Operating Procedure 3.0 became effective on October 1, 2013 and can be found on the FAA website.
Some items to be included on the Exhibit A map are as follows:
- Existing dedicated airport property boundary lines
- FAA grant number used to acquire each parcel
- Type of easements acquired around the airport
- Purpose of acquisition
- Known encumbrances on airport property (this may require extensive research)
- Date and type of release/land use change approval (aeronautical use, interim use, concurrent use, etc.)
Meeting the described standards in SOP 3.0 can be time consuming. However, having the documents available will help airports sponsor’s protect airport property and maintain a safe, efficient airport. Incorporating the data from the Exhibit A Map into your GIS system will garner additional benefits and efficiencies for your airport management staff. For information on putting together an Exhibit A map, please contact Senior Aviation Planner, Melissa Underwood.