Home / Environmental Planning & Permitting
- Archaeological Survey & Investigation
- Aquatic Resource Delineation & Permitting
- Aquatic Resource & Prairie Restoration Services
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- Natural Resource Surveys
- Environmental Documentation
- Funding Environmental Reviews
Environmental Planning & Permitting
At Bolton & Menk, we offer a variety of environmental planning services including surveys, management plans, monitoring, documentation, and permitting. Our cultural and natural resource professionals offer expertise in cultural and ecological assessments, environmental planning, and environmental permitting. From roadside corridors to large-scale areas, we help find cost-effective and sustainable solutions that are right for you. We assess each project site and design a plan that delivers economical solutions to meet your goals.
Experienced Archaeologists
At Bolton & Menk, we offer a variety of environmental planning and permitting services including surveys, management plans, monitoring, documentation, and permitting. Our cultural and natural resource professionals offer expertise in cultural and ecological assessments, environmental planning, and environmental permitting. From roadside corridors to large-scale areas, we help find cost-effective and sustainable solutions that are right for you. We assess each project site and design a plan that delivers economical solutions to meet your goals.
In-Depth Permitting Knowledge
All impacts to wetlands and waterbodies must be properly permitted through both state and federal regulations, including delineating resources and quantifying or mitigating impacts. Our natural resources team has a deep understanding of the nationwide permits of the Clean Water Act and the Wetland Conservation Act. We can navigate the complicated process of aquatic resource permitting, including no-loss and exemption applications and replacement plans (impact mitigation).
Improving The Natural Environment
Our restoration and mitigation team provides permitting, design, and monitoring services in the restoration of wetlands and prairies to create opportunities for landowners to improve the natural environment and/or collect income from selling credits due to erosion and other wetland and prairie conditions. We can answer wetland-related questions and address local resident wetland concerns without going to the county or Soil and Water Conservation District, saving you time and money.
Your Environmental Review Guide
It is critical to consider environmental impacts and review/documentation requirements at the front end of any project. Our environmental planning and permitting team help limit these impacts and guide you to regulatory approval, ensuring review and documentation is completed in a timely and effective manner. We are here to help you navigate agency processes for federal and state funding programs requiring environmental reviews as part of the application and/or plan approval process.