Myrtle Beach Ocean Outfall Selected as SESWA Photo Contest Winner
Congratulations to the team for winning the Southeast Stormwater Association (SESWA) Stormwater Photo Contest! The 18th Avenue North Ocean Outfall project was selected as a SESWA Photo Contest Winner for 2023.
A dual 54-foot precast concrete cylinder pipe system is being installed to discharge stormwater runoff into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Myrtle Beach at 18th Avenue North. A 200-acre drainage basin drains through this outfall system at approximately 160 cubic feet per second. Prior to discharging into the Atlantic, the stormwater will be routed through two water quality nutrient vaults. The pipe system will be installed to discharge approximately 1,300 feet offshore.
Kudos to the Myrtle Beach team and the Creative Studio on this impressive win! Learn more about our Myrtle Beach ocean outfall projects on our Water & Wastewater Engineering page.