Project Background
West Jefferson Lake is located in southern Le Sueur County in south central Minnesota. In late 2015, a private group of citizens approached the City of Cleveland to determine whether the City would consider providing treatment of wastewater from the residences and surrounding the lake. Officials for the City of Cleveland indicated that they would consider accepting a certain amount of wastewater from the West Jefferson Lake area. Bolton & Menk, Inc. was approached to assist in developing a preliminary plan for providing wastewater collection for the West Jefferson Lake area.
In June of 2016, a Wastewater Facility Plan for the project was submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Project Description
This project will allow properties along the following streets to connect to the new sanitary collection system:
Other properties in the West Jefferson area may join the new system on a case-by-case basis.
At individual properties, a grinder pump station will be installed. This system will transfer wastewater from your home to the low pressure forcemain pipe. Forcemain will be routed around the lake and will discharge into a lift station on the north side of the Lake. The lift station will then pump wastewater from West Jefferson, to the City of Cleveland’s Wastewater Treatment Ponds.
Preliminary Project Cost and Funding:
A preliminary cost summary is provided below:
Estimated Project Total |
No. of Potential Connections |
Estimate Cost per Connection |
$ 4,700,000 |
140 |
$ 33,590.00 |
A funding opportunity is currently being pursued through the Public Facilities Authority (PFA). Project representatives were able to get the project listed as a candidate for the Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) earlier this year. Final funding will depend on outcomes of upcoming legislative sessions. The project may be eligible to receive the PSIG once final plans are approved by MPCA.