Belgrade Avenue Corridor Study, Mankato/North Mankato Area Planning Organization

Belgrade Avenue Corridor Study


Mankato/North Mankato Area Planning Organization


Improvements will help the City of North Mankato continue to maintain a functioning, yet safe, roadway supporting the city’s downtown vision.

Belgrade Avenue serves as the central corridor of North Mankato's downtown business district and provides a gateway to TH 169 and the City of Mankato. The Belgrade Avenue Corridor Study was initiated to support efforts to complete the Belgrade Avenue Master Plan. Areas of concern include vehicle delays at intersections, crashes involving pedestrians, lack of pedestrian crossings in key locations, and high vehicle speeds and volumes in an area of high pedestrian traffic.

Bolton & Menk defined issues, needs, and potential opportunities; established a vision and goals; developed and evaluated multimodal improvement alternatives; and developed an implementation plan that identifies potential projects, cost estimates, and funding opportunities. We met extensively with property owners, business owners, and the public throughout the planning process to ensure their feedback informed project initiatives.

The resulting Belgrade Avenue Corridor Study provides MAPO and the City of North Mankato with roadway improvement alternatives to incrementally test and implement over time as the corridor evolves and envisioned redevelopment takes place. Improvements will help the City of North Mankato continue to maintain a functioning, yet safe, roadway supporting the city's downtown vision.

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