Riverfront Drive Corridor Study, Mankato/North Mankato Area Planning Organization

Riverfront Drive Corridor Study


Mankato/North Mankato Area Planning Organization


A powerful guide was created for project implementation along Riverfront Drive that will allow for right-sized solutions in any circumstance.

Riverfront Drive provides access and connectivity to downtown Mankato and primary connections to the surrounding region, including US Highways 14 and 169. The corridor also serves multiple transportation modes. Several concerns exist along the corridor, including locations with elevated crashes, traffic back-ups, excessive access, lack of pedestrian facilities, and other issues that will worsen as vehicle and pedestrian traffic is projected to increase.

The corridor was divided into five segments due to varying contextual differences and length. Findings from recent planning efforts and redevelopment plans that will alter future conditions along the corridor were considered. Bolton & Menk defined issues, needs, and potential opportunities, established a vision and goals, developed and evaluated multimodal improvement alternatives, and developed a long-term implementation plan that identifies potential projects, cost estimates, and funding opportunities. Meetings with property owners, business owners, and the public were held to ensure feedback informed project initiatives.

MAPO now has a powerful guide for project implementation along Riverfront Drive that is publicly vetted. Several near-term, long-term, and illustrative/development-driven projects were identified ranging from low to high investment that will allow for right-sized solutions in any circumstance.


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