Recreational Facility
Home / Recreational Facility, Annandale ISD 876
Annandale ISD 876
A joint vision was formed to expand the recreaction amenities for the community and fill the gap in the needs of the school district athletic facilities.
Aging athletic facilities and the high demand from different users and age groups created an issue for the Independent School District 876 and the City of Annandale. A joint vision was formed to expand the recreation amenities for the community and fill the gap in the needs of the school district athletic facilities. A vacant site within walking distance of the school would become the prime facilities location. Bolton & Menk began laying the framework for site programming, conceptual design, roadway and access design, preparation of easements, fundraising discussions, final site plan design and construction document preparation, and bidding and construction services. A bond referendum to fund the $4 million park improvements was passed and included eight tennis courts, four-plex softball/baseball facility, varsity softball and baseball fields, high school football and practice fields, two youth soccer/football fields, and an access road with parking areas.