High Street Drainage Improvements
Home / High Street Drainage Improvements, City of Marshalltown, Iowa
City of Marshalltown, Iowa
A large drainage study recommended a series of improvements to help reduce localized flooding.
Marshalltown was in the process of building a new police and fire station. As part of public involvement for the new building, the community voiced concerns regarding flooding along High Street, a critical emergency response route for the proposed building site. There were concerns about the ability for emergency vehicles to pass during rain events.
Bolton & Menk conducted a drainage study of the 136-acre urban watershed. The study analyzed several alternatives and recommended a series of improvements to help reduce localized flooding. The recommendations included reconstruction of storm sewer, improved capture of upstream surface runoff, and a reconstructed outlet through the levee. At study conclusion, we completed design plans for implementation of the recommended improvements. As part of new larger storm sewer being installed, the associated streets needed reconstruction. Bolton & Menk worked with city staff to evaluate the existing pavement and develop an approach to pavement maintenance along the project route. Based on the evaluation, various street improvements were recommended, ranging from complete reconstruction to milling/patching and overlay.
The City of Marshalltown now has a safe roadway for emergency vehicles that is more resilient to large rain events.