Canary Park Site Plan
City of Clive, Iowa
Canary Park resides within a growing neighborhood in Clive, is adjacent the city’s trail network, and presents tremendous opportunities for innovative stormwater management practices.
The City of Clive places value on providing open space opportunities for its citizens and visitors. The site for Canary Park resides within a growing neighborhood, is adjacent to the city’s trail network, and presents tremendous opportunities for innovative stormwater management practices.
As Clive’s first neighborhood park project in 10 years, Bolton & Menk polled residents on the type of experience they wanted in a park. The design team then crafted conceptual alternatives for the park site plan based on this input. As the site plays a critical role in regional stormwater management, Bolton & Menk walked residents and participants through the process of how hydrology affects the site, how it collects runoff from neighboring properties, and how it can create aesthetically pleasing amenities within the park to serve an important ecological function.
The resulting site plan incorporates desired recreational amenities by future park users, responds to concerns over aesthetics and visual quality, and seamlessly incorporates sustainable stormwater management solutions. Locations for educational and storytelling signage are planned into the site and trail experiences to expand recreational opportunities beyond playground infrastructure.